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MM! AU: The Red Fang



In the aftermath of the Fall of Beacon, as Vale held onto control by it's fingernails, the Huntsmen regrouped, team JNPR whisked the unconscious Pyrrha Nikos home to Mistral, and Cinder Fall settled to evaluate the next stage of the plan.... Adam Taurus smirked cruelly as his followers, returning from their ransacking of Beacon, brought him a gift: Blake Belladonna, her injuries inflicted by the White Fang leader freshly stitched, her attempt to steal home to Menagerie foiled. With a callous smirk, Taurus decided his traitorous partner's friends could wait: he had more than enough to keep him occupied right here.....

And for over a year, he remained occupied. His torment of Blake went so far that he stole her child away before she could so much as touch it, and the cat faunus was little more than an emotionally destroyed shell.....when out of nowhere, Blake's friends struck. 

In a lighting raid, teams RW_Y, SSSN, and Petra Daichi's team PSTR swooped in on the White Fang camp in southern Anima, laying waste to the facility while Sun and Yang stormed the command center, Sun providing cover while Yang, her eyes and hair ablaze and Ember Cilica roaring, smashed down the door to Blake's cell. Horror-struck at the condition her partner was in, Yang, with Ruby and Weiss' help, gently carried Blake to safety....but not before Yang got her own back on Adam. 

This time prepared for the Fang leader's semblance and weapon and taking the most advantage of his surprise, Yang took full revenge for Taurus' dismembering of her the year before, blasting out his left eye and disfiguring his face. Blake safely ensconced in their arms, the teams fled the destroyed camp, leaving Adam-and his radical White Fang- for dead. 

But Taurus didn't die. Either through his sheer hatred and rage or through his own force of will, the horribly wounded Faunus dragged himself to his feet and set about trying to salvage his shattered organization. It was then that Cinder Fall approached him once more. 

Utterly unimpressed by the disfigured Faunus' brutal threats, Cinder offered Adam Taurus the three things he desired most: Power, Revenge, and the forces to acquire them. Taurus had been perfectly loyal during the lead up to the Beacon attack, and Cinder and her benefactors would be willing to overlook his....dalliances, if he were to come back into the fold. 

Faced with the ruins of the White Fang, Adam had little choice but to accept. And so it was arranged that he would meet with none other than Salem herself. 

The Dark Witch was impressed with Taurus: his heart was swallowed in a swirling torrent of hatred and bloodlust, but he was at the same time calculating and ruthlessly efficient. Salem, acting on Cinder's recommendation, thereby granted Adam the power, as Cinder possessed, to manipulate and command Grimm, and appointed him commander of her army, both Creatures of Grimm and, to augment the remains of the White Fang, the Grimm-Worshiping Cult of Shalim. 

As she restored his face, implanting the eye of a Beowulf into the ravaged socket and grafting Grimm tissue to the destroyed flesh, so Salem did decree: 

"Arise, Adam Taurus. You shall lead the Red Fang to victory, and earn the revenge your people so deserve." 

Adam's first encounter (once he stopped screaming in agony) was with his new Lieutenant: a Cat Faunus by the name of Sierra Namiri, who was one of Salem's most potent assassins and one of the few in the Cult she felt she could rely upon. 
And, to Adam's delight, a masochist and sadist to boot. 

Their first task, one made all too easy by his new abilities, was to dispose of Sienna Khan and the other old leadership of the White Fang. As he planted his sword in Khan's heart, Adam declared the White Fang to be no more: the Red Fang would light the path of the Faunus Revolution, and in the Name of Salem, bring down the Kingdoms of Remnant. 

And, as Weapons and equipment-to say nothing of troops-began to flow into his camps, Adam knew Mistral was the first kingdom in their crosshairs.....
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VC Adam: think you get away with murder

Sierra: So your the Adam we've heard so much about. since when did start loving humanity

VC Adam: mumbles short minded bitch: Because of you any faunus want equality will just start riots if things don't go their way

How are we to build peaceful organization if its in constant disorder

Sierra: your the one you thinks what the belladonna wants

VC Adam: i only wanted humanity to pay after what my father did to my siblings, relatives and mother, So the real monsters are you


VC Adam: you've tricked the faunus into your red fang by meeting up with salem. Tell me if that's fair

Sierra: We lit the fires of revolution

VC Adam: there you go again. thinking that killing innocents will make you better. where in the world did you get that motion from your rear end

Sierra: if your so powerful then come and show us

VC Adam: very well: Chanting then summons undead Soldiers and Zombies

Red Fang and Sierra: shocked

VC Adam: heal the Grimm infected but kill the rest

Undead charge